website of -Be alive-

そして1996年ニューヨークで活動しながらアートの可能性を追求していた私は、パフォーマンス「生きろ」を発表し、それからアートプロジェクトとして「生きろ」と 毎日書き始めるようになる。人生という時間を使い何かを表現したい。混沌とした時代の中で「生きろ」という言葉を書き続ける人がいて欲しい。そんな思いから始まったアート表現としての「生きろ」。その後、私は世界の様々な場所で「生きろ」と書き続け、「生きろ」という言葉を通し様々な環境 で生きる人達と出会った。彼らとの出会いがなければ、今日まで私は「生きろ」を書き続けることはなかっただろう。
“IKIRO” is a Japanese word which can be translated into “Be alive” in English.
“IKIRO” was the word that appeared in my diary when I was around 20 years old. There are many things in this world that I can't do on my own. Meanwhile, I am alive. why? I can't help thinking about it. Anyway, only thing I can do is living now. I was born with luck, so I just make it through to the end. The word “IKIRO” I wrote in my notebook to encourage myself. That was my encounter with “IKIRO”.
Rather than seeking meaning in life, I should do what I can. When I started my career as an artist based in Tokyo, I worked part-time, and bought materials, and keep creating works. One by one, I made what I had come up with and what I wanted to try. Paintings, sculptures, installations, performances. I tried various artistic expressions and presented them as works in galleries or art spaces. Instead of thinking too much, I tried it once and experience it through my body. I felt that being alive was so real. Even after I became an artist, I sometimes wrote “IKIRO” and put it on the wall. When I saw it, I realized that just like materials or colors have energy, the word “IKIRO” also has energy.
In 1996 I lived in New York. while considering the possibilities of art in New York, I did the performance “IKIRO” and started writing “IKIRO” every day as an art project.I want to spend my life on my own expression. It would be really nice if there is a person who keep writing the words “IKIRO” in this chaotic era. “IKIRO” as an art expression started with such a feeling. After that, I keep writing “IKIRO” in various places around the world, and through the word “IKIRO” I met people living in various environments. Without meeting them, I would not have kept writing “IKIRO” up to now.
It's been over 25 years since I started writing “IKIRO”. There are still many things in this world that we cannot control, such as war, terrorism, epidemics, and disasters. On the other hand, it seems that the this world will change by the development of technology or AI. How will we humans live? As same as a human being living in such an era, I would like to keep writing “IKIRO”.